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My name is Joy, and I love to write. Why poetry, here? Because poetry uplifts its writer, and if she is lucky enough, her readers, too. Around us, so many objects abound to write about. Once a poet starts with a smallest, most trivial object, he shall discover that his pen will spill out what is most delicate or most majestic hidden inside him. Since the classics sometimes dealt with lofty subjects with a lofty language, a person with poetry in his soul may incline to emulate that. That is understandable. Poetry does that to a person: it enlarges the soul and gives it wings. Yet, to really soar, a poet needs to take off from the ground. Kiya's gift. I love it!
Everyday Canvas
#989907 added August 4, 2020 at 5:29pm
Restrictions: None
Other People and Rain
For "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
Prompt: What kinds of things such as likes, dislikes, behavior, vocations, avocations, and/or personality traits do you appreciate in other people the most?


Above everything I look for tolerance and acceptance of differences. My-way-or-no-way people annoy me to no end. even if they share the same convictions and beliefs with me.

I especially like people who work on themselves, who try to be better all the time, who can look and see themselves fairly, and who do not cross boundaries. Not an easy job to work on oneself, but so well worth the effort.

I also like people who put others at ease, who calm those who are troubled. Then, a decent dose of morality and the idea of don’t-hurt-if-you-cannot-help attitude goes a long way, too. I really, really love gentleness and calmness, which were the first reasons I had married my husband, who I miss terribly.

In the same vein, I feel closer to people who like animals and children as well as people with minds open to learning and reading. I like almost everyone who shows an affinity to all arts, not for acquiring financial gains from them, but just for the art-for-arts-sake feeling.

We are all human, and I can overlook a bit of anger, jealousy, greed, or the other negative emotions, but when those are not tamed and used while hurting people, then they are unforgiveable.

Plus, drama queens exasperate me to no end, as well as those who think the world revolves around them. They think their existence, their successes, and their troubles are the most important. Well, they are not and they should know it because everyone else has them, even if most people do not constantly brag or complain. I know such people from the way they always talk about themselves.

I am not picking on the negative people per se. As I said earlier, we are all human, and when I catch myself stumbling, I try to work on myself to the best of my ability. Still, being who I want to be is not an easy job.

*FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV* *FlowerV*

For: "Space Blog

Prompt: WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell ’s "Poet @ Work 2
"It's raining today. Better for the garden, it's been very dry lately. I love the sound of rain, on the rooftop, on the window, on the tiles in the street. It's soothing and comforting."
Write about a rainy afternoon. What do you like to do with rainy days?


I love the rain. When I was much, much younger, I used to jump under any torrent and drive my mother crazy. I don’t do that anymore; you can be sure of that.

On the other hand, instead of enjoying the getting soaked sensation, I like to sit in a dry place and listen to the music of rain. I also like reading while listening to rain.

Rain has never made me feel sad. Possibly, it gives me a feeling of renewal. Some liken raindrops to teardrops and that’s why they feel sad. Since I was never a crybaby and in fact I almost never cry, this type of a feeling never affects me.

Rain to me is not just a light blissful sprinkling. I like the temporary landscapes it creates especially when it comes down in torrents and forms into rivulets and puddles. After all, water is beautiful and it has a cleansing effect on my soul.

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