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#996908 added December 16, 2020 at 6:32pm
Restrictions: None
Help. I've fallen and can't get up..
Yes I fell. One morning recently I decided to try something new and get out and shop earlier so I could get home early and hang out.

Instead I missed my bus and decided just to walk since it would be another hour before the next bus came.

I walked at a good clip, but just as quickly I was suddenly airborne and falling face first. I landed on the cement now sprawled out much like a squirrel sunbathing. My knees had hit the ground as well as my hands and my nose and anything prominent.

At the time I wasn't sure what happened.
I did find out later what had caused it
Something unexpected-- a metal door in the sidewalk--more than likely something electrical was in it.

Two joggers had been coming toward me just before it happened. There was no reason to expect a problem, but as things sometimes happen our plans can change suddenly.

There I was faced down with my hood over my head. Drivers passed by couldn't see my face, and might have thought I had a little too much to drink and passed out.

A voice asked, "Are you okay?"

When I didn't respond she asked if I needed an ambulance. I grunted
and struggled to speak something she'd understand. "Yes, I'm okay, No ambulance." I thought I had said.

They asked again about an ambulance. I managed to get out, "No, I'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

I sighed inwardly. They didn't understand, but God bless them at least they checked on me.

Apparently they had left, but one good samaritan saw me after she'd turned right at the traffic light and did a u-turn, then pulled over to where I was laying.

She asked the same questions. I raised my head trying to speak but felt something trickle down my face and across my lips--blood. " I... I'm bleeding." Kleenex seemed to magically appear in my hand. I wiped at my face. The sight of blood and my hand shaking made me realize this wasn't just an average fall where I'd pick myself and dust myself off.

"So you're just going to lay there on the sidewalk?" she asked.

This was getting annoying. I had fallen so why wouldn't I take a few moments before I move and assess my body. "Yes, I have to rest...a little. I'll be okay soon. Really." In hindsight I am not sure how long I had laid there or how long I would.

"Did you pass out?"

"No... I don't think so. No. "

The lady's voice came again. "You must have tripped over something. Oh, I see it now. Let's get her up.". I wondered who she was talking to. "On the count of one, two, three," she said.

As soon as I was upright and on my knees, pain shot through me. I screamed again and again, then they lifted me to my feet, and put me in her car. And I was taken to the Emergency Room. I never saw my other helper/angel's face. My good samaritan kept talking to me for some reason and told me that a bike rider had come along.

After we arrived at the entrance to the ER, she helped me out of the car and gave the emergency room nurse her cellphone number saying she would come back to take me home, and she released me into her care.

I was lucky because the ER was pretty much empty and so within minutes not only did I get I inside, they already had a room and bed for me. They asked
the usual questions, and cleaned me up a little. Soon afterward I was wheeled away, x-rayed and catscanned.

"Everything looks good.You will probably have new aches an pains tomorrow and within the next few days. If things get worse come back and see us," the on-call doctor said.

On my discharge papers it said I had a fractured nasal bone, contusions to the knees and wrists.

And, yes, the next day was worse. I started finding spots where my body hit and left a bruise or small open wound--my shoulders for one, but it was tolerable.

The worst part was that soon after someone (a very close relative) got word of it had implyed I was getting older and this was bound to happen more and more often as I get older up until I die. Wow, that's so encouraging. Not.

I tripped. That's all. I manage just fine otherwise. I'd had walked at least a block before it happened. I wasn't dizzy, drugged, or drunk.

Anyway there it is. This fall slowed me down some so I just took it easy and let myself heal.

It's been well over six weeks and I still have shooting pains, while I am motionless, and tender spots otherwise. My doctor said it might take several months to heal completely.

Our bodies are amazing in how it can heal itself after an injury.

I can't help but wonder how long it takes to heal a broken heart or does it never heal completely.

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