About This Author
Brandiwyn🎶  , also known as Michelle Tuesday, is a musician, educator and writer hailing from Columbus, Ohio.
La Bene Vita
I am a professional musician , worship leader , small business owner , songwriter , aspiring author and freelance nonfiction writer with a chemical engineering degree .
But that's just my resume.
My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.
Sunday we fixed the broken ceiling, installed the piano mural in the Gahanna music lab (relocated from the Polaris lobby), and prepped, cut and laid more flooring in the loft. None of the boards are secured yet but it's already much easier and safer getting around up there. This weekend, hubby and I will finish that so I can bring seasonal storage (holiday decorations, recital and party supplies, etc.) from Polaris and store those tubs above the Gahanna restrooms. I still have to get big plastic totes up a ladder so it's not perfect. We're looking for suspended platform freight lift options (maybe something like this? )
CEILING FIASCO (sorry it's sideways; WDC is forcing that.)
Monday morning I reassembled the music lab (which had to be moved out of the way for the piano mural install Sunday.) Since I had the whole room apart anyway, I went ahead and ran a couple new Ethernet cables, moved the teacher's desk to the middle of the room, and set up the 10th and final student desk. My lab capacity is now officially increased from 6-8 stations (6 desks w/laptops + beanbag chair and armchair for tablet games) to 10-12 stations (once I bring the Polaris laptops and run a few more cables; currently, four stations are just empty desks.) Polaris still needs the laptops through 8/25, so I'll set up the four new stations in Gahanna that weekend. I'm also considering buying a few new laptops to replace the oldest ones still in use, since we have to set up the Polaris laptops anyway.
Monday afternoon I interviewed a music lab candidate (we like him), and Monday night I taught back-to-back lessons in two locations (going back and forth, not at the same time lol) until 8:40 PM because one of my teachers called out sick. This is one of the reasons I'm closing my second location! I'll never have to be in two locations at once again. 
Yesterday was a much shorter day. I confirmed the sign company for removal in Polaris tomorrow (Thu 8/10) and installation in the Gahanna lobby Monday (8/14, OMG WE ARE SO EXCITED.)
Yesterday, I also interviewed another music lab candidate in the afternoon (we weren't a fan.) And finally, our piano tuner came to both locations and evaluated all the pianos to determine which we should keep and which we should scrap (even after we build two new lesson rooms and I take my favorite piano home, we have two too many.)
Things are moving along nicely EXCEPT for my renovation. I have one quote (received Monday, but it's missing a light switch in the new room, so I asked if that was included and haven't heard back), and I'm still looking for contractors to get two more competitive quotes. The first quote was higher than I expected (doable, budget-wise, but I don't want to overpay.) A week or two ago I posted a description of my project on Angi; only one contractor contacted me, and I think they're either a scam or just one dude and one lady trying to kick off a business that doesn't actually exist yet (no thank you.) I stopped by Gahanna City Hall last week (Wed? I think) and requested a list of contractors registered with the city who have filed permits in the last year, thinking at least then I know they have experience working with Gahanna. The dude at the Building Department counter was working by himself that day and took my info, and also gave me his biz card and a card for another lady who would apparently be the right person to get that info for me. Last Fri I emailed the lady and still have not heard back. I may have to drag my physical person to the counter again. They have a bell. I can ring it and annoy the shit out of them until they get me some names.
While all this is going on, my staff and I are swamped with processing withdrawals and schedule changes for an entire school's worth of students; setting up and advertising a free music book fair that's running through the month of August in Gahanna; re-enrolling and/or adjusting Gahanna students for the upcoming fall schedules; scheduling the electrician to replace batteries and bulbs in exit signage and emergency lights per the instructions of the fire marshal at his recent fire inspection; and teaching all my normally scheduled lessons.
Is it September yet? |
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