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Scribbles by ME
Scribbles by me

This is just a place to talk things out with myself......keep track of moments I don't want to forget......of rants & raves I discoveries of self awareness or whatever. I have nothing to say.......and i enjoy every moment of getting it said when I can tie myself into a chair and force myself to write! So, here is Scribbles by ME. The ME are my real life initials--image that!

I haven't been faithful in keeping this as you will see if you look through it, but I am putting it in the New Horizons' Fresh Water to force myself to perform. Can't wait to see how that works out! *Laugh*

*Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

I cherish your input if you would be so inclined. That would prevent me from not only questioning myself, but would prevent me from having to answer myself as well.....a hazard I am finding more and more in the twilight years of my life.

Get the Books You Want Free!
January 26, 2009 at 10:21am
If you are a writer, you probably are a reader also. I have discovered three websites that are wonderful for getting books you want and trading those books you are finished with--and all for only the price to mail the book asked from you. If you are one of those that keeps all their books, great. I could not possibly store all the books I had. Eventually, the mice and other varmints are drawn to them My favorite: This is my favorite site because it ha... [Read more]
NA Inspiration
January 25, 2009 at 1:09pm
I am currently reading, Catch the Whipser of the Wind . It is full of insprirational stories and proverbs from Native Americans by Cheewa James. I would like to share two with you today: "Wars are fought to see who owns the land, but in the end it possess man, Who dares say he owns it---is he not buried benenath it?" ------Cochise, Chiricahua Apache "Everything the power o... [Read more]
January 24, 2009 at 5:47pm
BUSINESSES I WOULD RATHER DO WITHOUT but I am too weak!:$%^&* Hugesnet@#$%^&*(: When you get ready to sign up for satellite, they don't tell you about the Fair Access Policy. The FAP says that if you download a certain amount of items, Hughes will cut your access to the Internet down to where it takes you 30 minutes to even sign on to This lasts for--they say--24 hours. We say--and we know--it takes more like 3 days to get any speed bac... [Read more]
January 22, 2009 at 1:10pm
Forever is a common enough word. In fact, I think it is used much too commonly. I think it is highly overused. While driving to school today, I had an ephphany: Do people really understand how long FOREVER is? I see, hear, and read about people telling each other things like I'll love you forever....I'll be your best friend forever.......I'll forever be greatful to will be in my dreams forever......Spend your life with me forever.....forever, forever, forever. ... [Read more]
Bush Finally Scores
January 21, 2009 at 11:25am
The first thing George W. Bush did that I approve of is to fade off into the sunset of the Texas sky. Secondly, before he left, he finally did something he should have done long ago, but thank God, he finally had the cajones to take an albeit "quiet" stand. The thing of which I speak is the commutations of two former U.S. Border Patrol agent convicted in 2006 of shoot an ILLEGAL ALIAN who was smuggling MARIJUANA. Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were CONVICTED of shooting this miscr... [Read more]
Inauguration Day...A Landmark Day
February 8, 2009 at 4:46pm
How proud I felt to be an American today as the 44th President of the United States was sworn in before a trillion-person crowd. Ok, maybe not a trillion, but it sure looked like it. I am proud to be an American most days, but this is a red-letter day. It was like I felt when our servicemen came home from VietNam and I saw the soldier whose bracelet I had worn for years step off the plane. It was the same pride I had in our landing on the moon. Yes, I do believe we went to the moon. ... [Read more]
Fat is NOT Beautiful
January 19, 2009 at 1:39pm
I hate stepping on the scale, but over a month ago I knew I had to do so. My pants had felt tight all day. Ok, not tight, but excruciatingly tight. Most of my life I was a size 5. If I went over a few pounds, a diet was easily undertaken and who-o-sh....the weight came off in a week. When I met my present husband nine years ago, I still had a pretty good body even though I was 57-years-old. As much as I hate admitting it, I have gained 40 pounds. Just thinking about it makes me sick. I have ... [Read more]
Bits & PIeces: Random Thoughts
January 17, 2009 at 11:45am
I notice that I have missed writing in (or on) my blog three times since Jan. 1st. My goal is to not miss very many before the end of the year. Since I wrote five before the end of 2008, I figure that I am still ahead of the game. I know I won't be able to write everyday for all the various reasons every other human being has. We have had three frigid days here in Arkansas and don't often get weather like that down south. My husband, who is primarily from Conn. and Mich., thrive... [Read more]
No Child or Sports Hero Left Behind!
January 15, 2009 at 3:04pm
I don't know how your school works, but I will bet it is no different than mine under the NCLB (No Child Left Behind Law) or a State's Athletic Standards. Two weeks before the end of the SEMESTER last December, I had five students pulled out of my junior English class and enrolled under another teacher in Special Education so they could pass. Most of these students were not passing because they didn't come to school or they just flat wouldn't do their work. One in particula... [Read more]
People Who Can't Afford Their Medicine
February 8, 2009 at 4:47pm
Last year about this time I was standing in line at the pharmacy waiting to get several prescriptions. The lady in front of me was probably 50-years-old or so and trying to get the medicines that she and her husband need for the month. I couldn't help but over hear the conversation and discovered that her husband had been laid off his factory job and she was a secretary at a local grade school. Their insurance was through her husband and they, therefore, had no insurance. I don't kno... [Read more]
My Dentist Drives a Porsche
January 13, 2009 at 3:16pm
My dentist--a very likable young man--makes sure that I have plenty of a special bacterial mouthwash every time I visit for work on my two implants which has been going on now since last March (2008). His clinic just happens to have it on hand for us and stupid, naive me, I thought he was giving me a bottle every time I went because I didn't notice the $25 charge mixed amongst all the higher-dollar charges. Last time I discovered this literally "hidden" charge and went on line ... [Read more]
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
January 11, 2009 at 4:26pm
The sun is shining so brightly, the air is crisp and yet it is a nice 50 degrees. The dogs are begging for a walk and at least on of the cats wants to go also. So, Rick and I bundle up and begin our 2 mile walk down the dirt road in front of our house. The experience is truly heady today after a week or so of rain, dark skies, and ice. The dogs are running around like crazy and the cat is doing her constant Me-owing which means, "Slow down, owners, I am trying my best to catch up!" ... [Read more]
Thank you, Ruby StandingDEER !
January 10, 2009 at 5:31pm
Sometimes in life a person you like comes along and if you are fortunate, a friendship develops. I found one such person here on wdc. Ruby StandingDEER has been a remarkable person to know. She is always there for encouraging words when I am down, always makes me laugh, and puts up with my ridiculous rants and sometimes absolute nonsense. How many people do you know that sit up with a sick critter all night? Have I ever visited with her face-to-face? No, Talked to her on the telephone?... [Read more]
Find a Dang Target, Rix!
January 9, 2009 at 1:46pm
This is a plea for me to myself and a reminder for me to act. The saying I am using today is "If you aim at nothing, then you are sure to hit it." What I am trying to cure is the fact that I love to read about writing. I love to read how to write the great American novel and all the cute contests in the magazines. I love to teach others to write as best I can. But, I CAN'T GET MYSELF TO SIT DOWN AND WRITE ! It is not because I am lazy. I am your typical Type A individual... [Read more]
January 8, 2009 at 1:09pm
I wrote my philosophy of life, made it into a poster, and put it on my classroom wall. It says: WITHOUT PASSION THERE IS NO LIFE! I never bring the subject of the poster up until some wiseguy thinks he'll be smart and comment on it in the only way his mind is capable of thinking.....sexually, of course. Then, we discuss what my saying means. I try to impart to them that if they have no interests in anything worthwhile, they have no life. We discuss some stereotypes such as the kid who ... [Read more]
Writers Who Get Snippy with Their Reviewers
January 6, 2009 at 5:59am
I have a few questions I would like to ask and if anyone out there has an answer, I am ALL EARS. 1. Why would a person list their writing and ask for a review, then, in essence, tell the reviewer it was written such and so because they wanted it that way? Well, good for you. If, however, you do not have an open mind, why would you ask for reviews? If you wanted to make your writing polished, why not at least try a few ideas out? 2. Why would someone say in response to a review: Well, tha... [Read more]
Diary/Journal/Blogs: Give me a Writer's Notebook
January 5, 2009 at 8:45pm
I would suppose a diary is a cute little book with a lock on it that I wrote in when I was in middle school. Dear Diary: Today I ate hot dogs, flunked a pop test, slapped Johnny, kissed Donnie, and watched I Love Lucy . Talk to you tomorrow. Me I have no clue what a blog is. I have no idea how it is supposed to be used or why someone would want to read mine. Having been a motivational speaker for several years and as a teacher, I tend to give advice. Or, I might just tell you about t... [Read more]
January 3, 2009 at 6:50pm
Whomever came up with this saying is a genius. What Would Jesus Do? For those of you who are not believers in a higher power, I pity you for every question, situation, or problem can be solved by simply asking yourself, What would Jesus do? Unlike our judicial system there are no gray areas or excuses that work if you truthfully answer this question. There is always and right way, several wrong ways, and several excusable ways to solve life's questions, but there is only one corre... [Read more]
I Write to Learn
January 2, 2009 at 9:56pm
When did I become a writer? As well as I can remember it was because my mother told me I was a writer and then led me down a path that resulted in my own sports column for the Arkansas Gazette for several years. Up until then, I never really thought of myself as a writer and am not sure I ever wrote.......Oh, yes, I remember that in 8th grade to pass the time of day in math class, I would write little stories. THey all had twists at the end...that's what I liked....and all the kids hated... [Read more]
Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life
January 2, 2009 at 10:02pm
A new year begins today. As I think of the list of things I want to try to be better at this year, I am also aware of the fact that I rarely keep New Years Resolutions. Instead, I would like to recite the Serenity Prayer each morning when I first get up. If I am granted strength and knowledge and wisdom, I'll be a better person. I pray for the new presidency in the US and hope that he will be safe and given the chance to make America a better place in all areas of life. To my friends... [Read more]

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