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About This Author
Absolute beginner, Reader, Reviewer, ESL writer, Poet, Blogger, Novelist, Published author, Psychology degree, Dog lover. Quill finalist
All fingers and thumbs
A blog on my personal writing process. Just random thoughts, notes, and other stuff. Don’t know yet what that will be like. Am exploring possibilities and pulse towards an unknown future. Let’s find out! Here are challenges and activities stored.

Manipulated Photo

"Invalid Item 2017
"The Soundtrack of Your Life 2020
"Resurrection Jukebox 2020
"NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon 2020/21
"The Fiction Writer's Toolbox 2020
"October Novel Prep Challenge 2021(The Shanhaijing Prophecy)
Neil Gaiman's Masterclass 2019  
"a very Wodehouse challenge2024
Template Worldbuilding  2024
"Barrel of Monkeys [E] 2024

October 27, 2016 at 4:35pm
October 27, 2016 at 4:35pm
In order to get some extra space in my port I have to clean my portfolio. 35 items can be deleted: 9 images and 26 statics. I use for every little snippet of writing so I am bound to have a lot of crap in my port as well. At this rate, I reach the 250 maximum within the year. So I decided to do a little autumn cleaning. After that, I can start with my house since it is a bit of a mess right now.

I have been so busy these past five months and it’s time to take a good look at what I got and make adjustments. But then again, maybe I wait til December. *BigSmile*

October 24, 2016 at 2:15pm
October 24, 2016 at 2:15pm
I have been nominated for "The Quills [ASR] for Best New Portfolio AND Best Poetry collection and Best Inspirational for my blog "Poet @ Work 2 [18+]. I am so thrilled and honored! *BigSmile*

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

October 22, 2016 at 3:12pm
October 22, 2016 at 3:12pm
Why do I write? On motivation.

Acme asked me why do you write? So, here is my answer referring to my second blog entry almost 5 months ago "Prompt to write. I write because I must!

It is a need inside me that’s been there for a very long time but had never fully blossomed until I got inspired at WdC almost five months ago. My Muse was hiding and the mere use of this foreign language English/American and the inspiration of WdC and its writer’s community brought it all back.

I write because that’s who I am. It gives me a new identity after losing my identity as a Theoretical Psychologist more than ten years ago. It gives me power, strength and the desire to better myself. It fills a deeply felt need to be part of the group of people I mostly admire: writers, poets, artists.

It gives me the will and stamina to want to come out of bed every morning and greet the day. What new worlds are there to create? I love it that there is first a blank page and me hovering nervously over it, afraid it won’t work today… and then as by a miracle, the words come out and merge into a blog, a poem, a short story.

To me, this is sheer heaven and I am still a little bit afraid it’s not going to last. But I build my confidence day by day. Interacting with fellow writers helps, entering and winning contests helps. Bragging about it in the Newsfeed helps. I am feeling so good on this site and I am so thankful I found Without it, my life would be so much less enjoyable.

For the first time in a long time, I am having fun, a word that almost had lost its meaning to me. So, although it scares me, I want to exit my comfort zone and learn to be a better writer. And I want and need to allow myself the fun that goes with it. So there you go. My reasons for writing. *Cool*

Text on wood

October 18, 2016 at 7:02pm
October 18, 2016 at 7:02pm
From Oct 21st, 2016 until June 2017 I will be participating in The *StarY* Rising Star *StarY* Program 2016-2017. For all stuff related See "Invalid Item . I also set up a blog "Invalid Item to keep track of my whereabouts into a new journey into writing. I am very excited as to where this will lead to.

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