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Absolute beginner, Reader, Reviewer, ESL writer, Poet, Blogger, Novelist, Published author, Psychology degree, Dog lover. Quill finalist
All fingers and thumbs
A blog on my personal writing process. Just random thoughts, notes, and other stuff. Don’t know yet what that will be like. Am exploring possibilities and pulse towards an unknown future. Let’s find out! Here are challenges and activities stored.

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"Invalid Item 2017
"The Soundtrack of Your Life 2020
"Resurrection Jukebox 2020
"NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon 2020/21
"The Fiction Writer's Toolbox 2020
"October Novel Prep Challenge 2021(The Shanhaijing Prophecy)
Neil Gaiman's Masterclass 2019  
"a very Wodehouse challenge2024
Template Worldbuilding  2024
"Barrel of Monkeys [E] 2024

September 19, 2016 at 4:50am
September 19, 2016 at 4:50am
How to start a scary story.
1. Choose an interesting "what if."
2. Think about all the scary things that could happen in that situation. Then think about all the ways a person could get out of that terrifying situation.
3. Who is the main character? Is it you or a fictional person?
4. Choose a scary setting. Decide where and when your story takes place.
5. How did the main character end up in the scary situation?
6. Choose a bad guy or villain. Describe this character and how he or she will provoke fear in the story.
7. Develop the plot: • What will happen? • What problems will the main character have to face?
• How will the problems be resolved? • What other characters might be involved? • What is the danger?
8. Make up a surprise ending . Good stories shock you!

The basis for writing Horror. (

The base rule of scary movies/stories: Keep it simple.
Smaller Character Goals.
Uncomplicated Plot.
One-Step Character Change.

The 4 Emotive Tools you need to employ while writing horror…
1. Unease: This sets the scene for any scary story. Nothing bad has happened to the hero yet, but the audience should get the feeling that something bad might happen. Essentially, this is atmosphere. You’re getting the reader in the mood!
2. Dread: This is a step up from unease because it is connected to an action. Dread is when something happens that in itself isn’t scary yet, but could be.
3. Terror: This is the bad thing happening! Terror is the scream! It’s the payoff of all that tense unease and rising dread.
4. Horror: This arises from contemplation. Whereas terror is in the now, horror looks back at what happened. It is what we remember when we leave the movie theatre or finish the book.

4 Basic Elements of Comedy and Horror
1. Relatability. In order for your audience to laugh or scream, they need to relate.
2. Anticipation. Now that you have a situation that your audience can relate to, which will make them laugh or scream, build up the anticipation.
3. Danger. In comedy, the danger usually isn’t life-threatening, but the character must still be terrified of whatever it is (poodle, mother-in-law, unemployment, etc). In horror, the danger is literally trying to kill the hero.
4. Surprise. This seems like an obvious one for horror; surprise is its game.

September 2, 2016 at 1:44pm
September 2, 2016 at 1:44pm
Plot: Once you find your premise, your setting, and characters, create a rough outline of the story.
Exposition: Set the scene and introduce the characters.
Inciting incident: Have something happen in the story to start the action.
Rising action: Continue the story, building excitement and suspense.
Climax: Include a moment that holds the most tension in the story.
Falling action: These are events that occur after the climax.
Resolution: Here, the character solves the main problem.
Denouement: This is the ending in which the characters resolve any remaining questions.

September 2, 2016 at 2:43am
September 2, 2016 at 2:43am
An example of how clumsy I am: I wrote 35 entries to my poetry blog and thought I deleted one entry. So I purged that one entry, I thought. I purged the whole blog by mistake instead!*Headbang* These are the moments you wished you weren't here but somewhere else. Breath in, breath out and start over. There is not much else to do. And keep away from that bin!

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