Journal of a Spaced-Out Brain -poetry- (Book) - InkSpot.Com
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Writing poetry allows me to exercise my imagination and share it with others. I strive to write for the benefit of the reader using carnival fun mirror images of my life's experiences.
Most Recent Poetry ![]() Poetry most recently written. #2035077 by Vanishing Vapor ![]() ![]() |
An echo of music resonated in the dark. The chill of the midnight air cavorted on my cheek. The taillights ahead of us became my benchmark. Back then I was masterful, now humbly I speak. Enjoying our drug-induced mystique, we bid adieu. To the party left behind to explore a mountain trail. A carload of young men seeing yellow, red, and blue. It's clear to me now we should've been thrown in jail. The moonbeams lit up as LSD messed with my head. As rats crossed the road my delusional friends smoked weed, For hours I followed twin taillights twinkling red, Until it was obvious to see the stupidity of my deed. The sun had ascended and the glimmering was gone, Another expensive lesson realized at dawn. |