Journal of a Spaced-Out Brain -poetry- (Book) - InkSpot.Com
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Writing poetry allows me to exercise my imagination and share it with others. I strive to write for the benefit of the reader using carnival fun mirror images of my life's experiences.
Most Recent Poetry ![]() Poetry most recently written. #2035077 by Vanishing Vapor ![]() ![]() |
12:39 pm I must say that either this rambling practice is helping me get ideas for my poetry, including deciding which way to go with the story, or I've been on a good streak lately. So here I go! Vivid are the stars in my daytime dreams. The rush of comets flow from ear to ear and spread their glittering dust between the cells of my brain. Occuassionally they produce a subtle itch that, when scratched, blossums into a thought. There's one now and I see my sweet love, sitting on my lap and kissing my ear just like I like it... A great bis fat monst er just popped in to say... hey... I'm not such a bad guy, once you get to know me... I just like to have things done in my own way... and if you can't handle that then shove my nose into a light socket and suck it! I smiled at the big fat moster and said that it's nothing personal... hechk you're not even real so why pay the dues as if you were quilty of some crime? Just then, the big fat monster got a call on his cell phone and ignored everything I said after that... how rude! Suddenly the sweetest kindest most beautiful angle that God has ever made appeared and asked if she could be of any help. She was stunning and I was so amazed that I couldn't speak... All I could do was keep typing so that I didn't miss a thing. When she saw how blown away I was she smiled coyily amd started unbuttoning the top button of her silvery blouse.... yh, I'll be back shortly... :) 9:47 pm that took a bit longer than I.... Oh My God! I'm eating Tums two at a time brcause of a sudden gas attack! I made chicken and rice for dinner (using canned chicken) and drank a coke and I'm up to 6 Tum and still gassing! BLAH! I finally found something that doesn't go better with coke! |