Journal of a Spaced-Out Brain -poetry- (Book) - InkSpot.Com
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Writing poetry allows me to exercise my imagination and share it with others. I strive to write for the benefit of the reader using carnival fun mirror images of my life's experiences.
Most Recent Poetry ![]() Poetry most recently written. #2035077 by Vanishing Vapor ![]() ![]() |
I didn't see you this morning, You didn't go to school, too boring? You know I freak out without you About a half an hour ago now, I decided dear you're too highbrow, Beloved darling, we're through. |
Harvester of souls, take me when I go, Hold my spirit tightly, Heaven help me, If you should succeed, in full to my need, Blessings of love I'll give away to thee. |
Contented babies floating in the air, Devine semantics in the Holy Land, Attuned reception born by blessed prayer, Rejoicing purely for God's unseen hand. |
Arms have hands and legs have feet And never shall the two of them meet Until it's time to play little piggy The little piggie says it's no biggie |
Excitement inhabits my trade, Restoring prestige to my work, Incentive to elevate grade, Concluding my stint as a jerk. |
coffee nice and hot a caffeine rush, my excuse I've great energy to sit up and look around but I wonder what's the use. my things are no prize they're not important to me a cheap tapestry souvenir from Italy from my days in the navy Elvis on velvet an old girlfriend left behind several Yoni eggs if you don't know, look it up don't be shocked by what you find I use a TV as a PC monitor got a big TV on the wall in case, I want to watch TV regular over the headboard a painting I did badly lightning from a hand bringing to life a robot it's called "My morning coffee"
Headspace rotate around itself and doubles back to the Past define the future in the present and it all is done for the sanctity the marriage down and sideways acceleration and the distance I see myself like a statue boston time lost in color lost to touch lost to feel sound and the song found in heart found nowhere found to be lost lost to be found words without sound sound without feeling feeling without nerves nerves without and about and a boat the river on the shore and the shower in the ocean honey optional photos life life itself on the Metro of the Giant in the sky of the clouds with its knees bent arms outstretched yes head cocked to one side A window with curtains here's the vision have an artist sound how's the traffic the coyotes and the cows behind the fence in a country full of farmers with the crickets and the frogs and the smell teasing abusing embarrassing farm Boy who bails it's those it all in the mouth hope the barn in his soul in the brain smother and the Heart little sister and the arm and hands and feet |
The leaves are dying the throws at the end of August the heat and humidity are summer's last insult river rock will kill the grass keep their lance from growing leaving the earth for the few small ornamental trees they walk along like they've got nothing to do as a few work trucks stop FedEx medical Supply deliveries they walk with a purpose though on their last leg When the breeze blows I watch the limbs he looks like he's afraid the health insurance spies are watching him he doesn't want to lose those disability checks they're all he's got left in the world the doctor's looking around for his next patient with eyes that seem to say your time will come people walking down the middle of the street because they don't want to follow the sidewalk which will take them a few extra steps out of their way an inconvenience let somebody else inconvenience themselves woman with red hair and skin so white it doesn't look like she's ever seen the sun like a larva white like a maggot man with a hairline top of his head a woman with a rear-end a rear-end so big made for a sit down job like a delivery driver or secretary |