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My name is Joy, and I love to write. Why poetry, here? Because poetry uplifts its writer, and if she is lucky enough, her readers, too. Around us, so many objects abound to write about. Once a poet starts with a smallest, most trivial object, he shall discover that his pen will spill out what is most delicate or most majestic hidden inside him. Since the classics sometimes dealt with lofty subjects with a lofty language, a person with poetry in his soul may incline to emulate that. That is understandable. Poetry does that to a person: it enlarges the soul and gives it wings. Yet, to really soar, a poet needs to take off from the ground. Kiya's gift. I love it!
Daily Cascade
Since my old blog "Everyday Canvas Open in new Window. became overfilled, here's a new one. This new blog item will continue answering prompts, the same as the old one.

Cool water cascading to low ground
To spread good will and hope all around.

image for blog

February 27, 2025 at 2:26pm
February 27, 2025 at 2:26pm
Prompt: "If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose it's loveliness. " Mother Teresa
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Yes, Mother Teresa would say that. Definitely! She always thought each person to be unique. That was why she herself was so unique in helping others, no matter what.

Unique, so that we can accept ourselves as we are and celebrate the differences among ourselves and all people. This, in my opinion, is true authenticity and it has nothing to do with comparison or competition. I mean, why would anyone strive to be something they are not? Wouldn't it be better and much easier if we learned who we really are and what our abilities and unique qualities may be?

On the other hand, it must be a human weakness that we imitate one another even without wanting to. Such as, when someone in the room yawns, others may start yawning, too. Something like the subconscious butting in. With or without the aid of the subconscious, sometimes, we do want to be like others or to do what they do. Such an effort may not end very well. I should know! As an aside, that's one of the reasons why I am not a mountain climber. Not that I haven't tried it on a small hill, decades ago. I was the ideal caricature for mountain climbing, and the whole thing was at best embarrassing.

So, let's leave mountain climbing aside and focus on a simple garden. As mother Teresa means to say, every garden has different varieties of flowers, each with its own color, shape, and fragrance. Just like life, in which people can enrich it with their different talents, personalities, and ways of looking at things. Aptly put, if every small flower aspired to be a rose, the charm of spring with its variety would be lost and the world would become dull and boring, and lose its colorfulness.

Then, instead of trying to be someone else or something else we cannot be, why not concentrate on the beauty of our own roles among our families, friends, and nations, so our lives do not turn into a mockery?

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