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I am SoCalScribe. This is my InkSpot.
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ———————————————————— Craving More Blogging Opportunities? Feel free to check out these other wonderful blog-oriented groups and/or activities: "Blogging Circle of Friends " ![]() "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" ![]() "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() ———————————————————— ![]() ![]() Prompt #1: If you were an actor, do you think it'd be more interesting to be a "that guy" or "that girl" character actor (i.e., someone who audiences recognize from a bunch of different roles, but isn't famous enough to have many leading roles or to be a household name), or to be an actor that was really famous for one role years ago (e.g., Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Jennifer Grey as Baby from Dirty Dancing, etc.)? Prompt #2: The World Economic Forum has found the average adult will outlive their savings by approximately a decade. What are your best tips for wise spending and saving? Prompt #3: Choose a job you have (or have held in the past) and discuss the skills required. Explain why each skill is needed and how they can be learned. Prompt #4: Connect two seemingly unrelated themes. This is a creative approach where you can help people understand something using a mainstream or relatable reference. For example, you can connect a form of entertainment, such as a movie or television show, to a business process. Prompt #5: What information do you have about a specific topic that your readers might not know? Prompt #6: Did you try something that didn’t work out? Is there a mistake you made that had significant consequences? Share one of your most memorable lessons learned. Prompt #7: Have you seen the Comedy Central celebrity roasts? It’s a show where celebrities poke fun at another featured celebrity, and it’s a tactic you can use on your blog. Choose your favorite celebrity, or one you know plenty about, and write your own jokes about them. Prompt #8: Create a fictional event (e.g., the singularity, a zombie apocalypse, World War III, aliens are discovered, etc.), and explain how you’d handle it. Prompt #9: Write your own urban myth to explain a mysterious phenomena, establish a legend, or just plain scare your reader. Prompt #10: Describe your favorite place to write. Prompt #11: Create an alternate outcome to a historical event. What would you change and how would you rather have it shake out? Prompt #12: What's your favorite historical event or time period, and why do you find it so interesting? Prompt #13: If you were to run for political office, what position would you run for? Walk us through your campaign strategy and policy positions. Prompt #14: Rant about something that can't be changed and how you wish it could be. Prompt #15: Challenge a popular opinion. Prompt #16: Make a prediction for the future and explain your reasoning. Prompt #17: If you had the opportunity to meet an infamous criminal, would you want to? Who would it be? Prompt #18: If you could switch places with someone, would you choose someone based on the person you would want to become, or based on the person you'd want to experience your life? Who would that be? Prompt #19: Who inspires you? Give a quick overview of the person and why you find them so compelling. Prompt #20: Where is your favorite place in the whole world? Prompt #21: What's your favorite possession? Prompt #22: What plot twist (it can be from any movie, television show, book, video game, etc.) surprised you the most? Prompt #23: Do you have any family stories from previous generations? Share one if you have it, and/or tell us a story about your life that you'd like your descendants to retell for years to come. Prompt #24: Who's your favorite fictional character and why? Prompt #25: Describe your dream vacation if you were to have unlimited funds and unlimited vacation days. Prompt #26: What's the weirdest or most unusual item on your bucket list? Prompt #27: If you had a single wish to change one thing about the world to make it a better place, what one thing would you change if you wanted to do the most good? Prompt #28: If you could create a charitable foundation with billions of dollars in resources, what causes would you try to tackle? Prompt #29: What are the top five things that distract you or affect your productivity? Prompt #30: What's one bad habit you wish you could overcome? Prompt #31: If you could have an evening with any four living people, who would they be and what would your ideal evening consist of? Prompt #32: What book or franchise would you love see turned into a movie or television show? Prompt #33: What song do you currently listen to on repeat? Prompt #34: Do you listen to podcasts? What are some of your favorites? Prompt #35: What books are on your bookshelf? Prompt #36: What Writing.com activity or contest is currently your favorite? Which defunct activity or contest do you miss (if any)? Prompt #37: Do you prefer Mac or PC (or Google, LINUX, etc.)? iOS or Android? Why? Prompt #38: Have you ever written or called one of your government representatives? If so, who was it and what did you say? If not, what issue or concern would make you reach out to them? Prompt #39: What's your favorite kind of gift to receive? What kind of gifts do you think are overrated? Prompt #40: Congratulations, you're a bestselling author and they're letting you plan the book tour. What twenty cities are you going to visit and why? Prompt #41: If you were on trial for a crime you didn't commit, would there be any circumstances under which you'd consider taking a plea deal? If so, what and why? Prompt #42: When it comes to friends, do you prefer a few ride-or-dies, or many casual acquaintances? Prompt #43: Have you ever wanted to be the boss at a place you've worked? What aspects of being a boss are appealing? Do you think you'd actually be good at it? Prompt #44: What would you spend your money on if you won the lottery? After all the usuals (paying off your house, clearing your debts, buying your parents a new car, etc.), what would you spend the rest of your fortune on? Prompt #45: Do you enjoy learning new things? What's the last major topic/subject you learned something about? Prompt #46: If you could go back and change your major in college, what would it be? If you never went to college, would you go back if you could? If so, what would you want to study? Prompt #47: Do you think you have a good imagination? Why or why not? Prompt #48: Are you a good judge of character? Tell us why or why not. Prompt #49: Provided you had the resources to adequately care for all of them, how many pets would you like to own and what kinds? Prompt #50: What type of story (specific narrative, not just a general genre) do you never get tired of reading or hearing about? |