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Jun 11, 2012 at 9:10pm
June 11 - SEW
by Piglet Author IconMail Icon
         "It's just raw graphing power," Steve said. He was working out another x against the y, and really who could blame him. Ever since he found the spider could spin sines and cosines into her web, there was no limit to the mathematical equations that they could work. "How could you keep this gem from me for all these years, brother?"
         "You were never meant to have her," Gilman said, dejected. "She was perfectly happy with just sewing."
         "And you?" Steve challenged, his little hands stretching out to his brother, covered in chalk. "Is that what you want to do for the rest of eternity, mend people's clothes?"
         "What else would I be doing?" Gil said dejectedly. "You were always the smart one." He walked up to the spider and petter her head. "Oh, my dear, it's okay."
         "What a gift to waste on clothes," Steve muttered irritated and tickled the spider under her chin. "And with me so close to the Equation of All Equations! This is the one, Gil! This is the one that will return us to the proper size!" He turned to the spider and tickled her chin. "Then I'll feed you crickets all day long."
June 11 - SEW
· 06-11-12 9:10pm
by Piglet Author IconMail Icon

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