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Jun 12, 2012 at 9:21pm
June 12 - Turtle
by Past Member 'mystic_dreams'
Caitlyn squirmed in her seat. She couldn’t wait. She just couldn’t.  “How much further, Daddy?” 

“Now Caitlyn, I just answered three miles back. So you tell me, how much further?”

Six-year-old Caitlyn wrinkled her brow. Thirty-seven miles minus three, she could do this. It was easy math, and Caitlyn loved math.  “Thirty-four miles, right Daddy?” 

Her father chuckled and held up his hand, so she could high-five him from the back seat.  

“Mommy, I can’t wait. I want to see the turtles first. Can we? Can we see the turtles first?”

“Yes, Caitlyn, if that is what you want.” Caitlyn saw her mother smile at her father, and she wiggled in excitement. This was the best holiday ever. “Did you know sea turtles can live to be eighty? That is old. Like adding you and Daddy.”  Caitlyn grinned as her parents burst into laughter.  “Now how long, Daddy?”

“Less than half an hour, sweetie.”

“Yay, this is the best day ever. The best. Right Mommy?” 

“You bet. Now can you sit and be quiet for a few more minutes.”

“Okay, Mommy.” Caitlyn sat back and looked out the side window. She couldn’t wait. She loved the Aquarium, and she loved the sea turtles. They always reminded her of old men with their wrinkly necks, hooked nose and stern look. Like a grandpa. She giggled to herself, and wondered what grandpa would think of that. 

“Mommy, did you know sea turtles come back to the same place to lay their eggs?” Caitlyn leaned forward again. “They do, Mommy, and Daddy, the babies are girls or boys because of how hot they get. I mean the eggs.”

“I think Don, our daughter is going to make documentaries.” Caitlyn’s mother turned to her husband and smiled. 

“Or become a journalist.” 

Caitlyn bounced in her seat, laughing. Thinking of her grandfather still, she leaned forward. “No, I am going to be a newspaper man like grandpa.” When her parents started laughing, she joined in even though she didn’t understand the joke. 

Her father glanced back at her. “You bet, just like Grandpa.”

“Don, look out the truck.” Her mother’s shrill voice cut through Caitlyn. Her father swore and turned back, jerking the wheel to the side. She covered her ears as tires squealed. Then she screamed as her body whipped back and then forward again. Crimson-edged black invaded her world.
Caitlyn woke to sirens. Pain enveloped her, as she fought her way back. “Mommy? Daddy?” She waited for an answer. “Mommy, my leg hurts. Daddy, where are you ?” 

Subscribe and read Shadows Express.  Open in new Window.
Summer issue coming June 21, 2012.
Open for submissions:
June 22, 2012 - August 1, 2012;
September 22, 2012 - November 1, 2012.

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June 12 - Turtle
· 06-12-12 9:21pm
by Past Member 'mystic_dreams'

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