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Oct 8, 2022 at 10:37pm
I have to be organized because I'm currently finishing my degree, working full time (as a SPED teacher) and attempting to prep. I live in Google Drive since I can access that anywhere. And folders for each different thing I am working on (although I actually have two since I have to keep work separate for personal). One thing that I have learned is using excel to track what I am doing. For Prep, I put all the assignment number in then "started, finished, posted". I also have all of the prep assignments in a table and I've color coded them the same way. This lets me organize myself and since I'm doing the prep activities in the table, I have everything right there. As for beating the 72 hours, I always keep a couple of assignments in reserve so if I find myself creeping up on the 72 hours, I can post one and not exceed. Tomorrow I'm hoping to knock out a couple more so I have more ready. LOL if I get them all finished before the 31st, I'll just post them all. Medie |

by Shanachie