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Sep 30, 2023 at 11:55am
So I decided my protagonist, Jeanie, needs to bond with her companion bot Bother, but all I know about either is that Jeanie is a sixteen year old mechanical prodigy who works on large factory type machines. Bother is an outdated (by the novel timeframe) self aware robot that wants love but can only say "bother" in varied tones. I wanted the novel to be about the human robot relationship. I have no idea how to make this pair bond. I figure there needs to be some sort of crisis. Short of damaging Bother, or turning Jeanie into some sort of crazed activist, I figure there needs to be an external crisis. What better way to do that than have a bad guy? So my only idea is a corporate officer bent on ruling the world by "repurposing" old companion bots into a ruthless army. Could someone help me figure out if this is a good villain or if you have any suggestions I'd like some feedback please. |

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