Why I Write
When I write, I draw on my experiences as a woman with a painful past, a rapturous wife and mother, a world traveler, and a spiritualist. For me, writing is an art form. Like an artist, the work becomes more than I imagined it would be. When I set out to write a story with a particular idea or character in mind, words I cannot claim as my own flow from a magical and mysterious place through me and onto paper. The work takes on a life of its own; it is living art. The process fascinates me, satiates me, and makes my life more meaningful. Please read my stories! If you would like to offer me feedback on my work, please click here and sign up for a free membership: https://heftynicki.Writing.com I hope to see you there!
Glittery sig
Who Are They and What's Their Story?
Banner for Who Are They Contest


Round Five Prompt:

Write a fictional short story inspired by this information:

The name of your protagonist and POV narrator is Elvis Presley. It could be his given name (What were his parents thinking?) or his nickname. It could be a stage name, username, chat room identity, or an alias. There is no limit on your creative interpretation of why he is called Elvis and what effect the name has had on him in his life. He could even be a she. Write a story about a secret he tries to keep.

Your story can be in any genre (drama, comedy, sci-fi, romantic, historical, etc.). You choose the narrative style - first, second or third person. Feel free to create other characters to round out your story, though doing so is not a requirement.

Here's the kicker! *Right* The fact that his name is Elvis Presley must contribute to a central conflict facing the POV.

The maximum word count for this round is 2500 words. Please include a word count with your entry.

Have Fun *Star* Be Creative *Star* Good Luck!


Criteria on which I will judge the entries:

*Check2* Characterization: Creative Use of Prompt Name to Inspire Character(s), "Show, Don't Tell" Descriptions, Dialog.

*Check4* Plot: Conflict and Pace

*Check5* Mechanics: Grammar/Verb Tenses, Punctuation

*Check3* Impact: The All-Important 'Wow' Factor -- What Makes It Gripping or Engaging

*Right* Please be advised *Smile* I have a fascination and a respect for the English language and the rules that govern it. I will be looking for excellence in grammar and punctuation. Please proof-read your entries carefully; I will *Wink*.



First Prize - A 25K Ribbon AND 25,000 gps
Second Prize - A 10K Ribbon AND 10,000 gps
Third Prize - 5,000 gps

Every story entered will receive a full, in-depth review by me, NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon.

In the event that there are less that five entries, only the First Prize will be awarded. In this case, all other entries will receive an honorable mention prize of 1,000 gps.



*Bullet* Short stories only. Stories will have a maximum of 2500 words; no minimum limit for this round. Please include a word count at the bottom of each story.

*Bullet* One entry per participant.

*Bullet* Enter your story by posting it in the forum below using the bitem format. If you are unsure how to do this, please follow the link below:

Newbie Hyperlinking 101 - Bitem Format Open in new Window. (E)
Learn the ins and outs of creating a link using the bitem format.
#1377955 by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon

*Bullet* 18+ or lower rating.

*Bullet* Contest will close for judging at 11 pm WDC time on July 15, 2009. You may not edit after that time. Winners will be announced no later than July 31.

*Exclaim* ~ Thank you generous doners! ~ *Exclaim*

*Heart* ~ kiyasama ~ *Heart*
*Heart* ~ kaileymaire Author IconMail Icon ~ *Heart*
*Heart* ~ aralls ~ *Heart*
*Heart* ~ (("HUGGIES")) *Left* You know who you are *Wink* Thanks so much for the donation! ~ *Heart*
*Heart* ~ CSummaries Author IconMail Icon ~ *Heart*
*Heart* ~ Coolhand Author IconMail Icon ~ *Heart*

*Star* I look forward to meeting your Elvis!!! *Star*

*Right* NEW!
Congratulations Past Round Winners:
 Who Are They? - Contest Winners Open in new Window. (13+)
Who Are They & What's Their Story Contest Winners From Previous Rounds
#1442443 by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon

61 Posts ·
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by Annie Author IconMail Icon  •  08-24-09 @ 4:22 pm
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  07-18-09 @ 9:06 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  07-18-09 @ 8:59 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  07-16-09 @ 6:47 am
by Shane Author IconMail Icon  •  07-14-09 @ 10:18 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  06-24-09 @ 7:17 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  06-10-09 @ 7:38 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  05-31-09 @ 10:22 pm
by Vampyr14 Author IconMail Icon  •  05-24-09 @ 8:20 pm
by Mark Author IconMail Icon  •  05-15-09 @ 8:40 am
by lotto Author IconMail Icon  •  05-13-09 @ 10:41 pm
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  05-09-09 @ 8:25 am
by Kyle Curcio Author IconMail Icon  •  05-07-09 @ 9:05 pm
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  05-03-09 @ 9:45 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  04-25-09 @ 11:39 pm
by ccsi Author IconMail Icon  •  04-25-09 @ 2:00 pm
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  04-26-09 @ 10:37 am
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  04-24-09 @ 3:32 pm
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  02-05-09 @ 1:54 pm
by NickiD89 Author IconMail Icon  •  02-01-09 @ 9:49 am
by Starz4598 Author IconMail Icon  •  01-27-09 @ 12:33 am
by Arwee Author IconMail Icon  •  01-25-09 @ 11:46 pm
by Fyn - 20 WDC years old! Author IconMail Icon  •  01-11-09 @ 5:19 pm
by Vampyr14 Author IconMail Icon  •  01-10-09 @ 3:58 am
by Oldwarrior Author IconMail Icon  •  01-06-09 @ 6:22 pm

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