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Jan 27, 2008 at 11:27am
Edited: January 27, 2008 at 11:41am

Entry: Promt 3
by A Non-Existent User
Sue's death. After a night of chasing an old hound dog, we finally fell asleep in the apartment. "Hey, Rita, do you think he is behind any of these doors? Sue called to me, softly. I shook my head yes. We started to bust open doors, I took the right, Sue the left. Suddenly I was thrown against the wall and heard a loud bang. I turned around and saw Sue clutching her belly, blooding pouring between her fingertips. Richard George stood over Sue, looking mortified. Then he ran, I went to go beside Sue and she whispered, "Don't forget me." I woke up from the dream, realizing Sue's last words to me were 'I love you like a sister, Rita.' Not ' Don't forget me.' I looked at the clock, reading 10:21 am. I grabbed David's Harley-Davidson keys and I ran out the door, ready to go after Sue's killer. "Hello Ria!" Mrs. Whittaker called from the elevator. "Good morning, Mrs. Whittaker. " I turned from the stairs to see her limping towards me. "Oh, pish posh, call me Susan." She winked at me, before going to her apartment. "Have a good day, darling." "You too, Susan" I winced, thinking of my best friend Sue. Her and Mrs. Whittaker have the same name. I thought. Wait, Sue's dead. They do not have the same name anymore. I flew down the stairs and hopped onto David's Harley-Davis. I roared away from the building, going towards the bonds Office. I went inside the doors and noticed Carrie and Frey sitting behind the desk. "Yo, Ri!" Frey called to me. "Catch the old man yet?" I shook my head, glancing at the wall of Sue.Frey noticed me looking. "Her furneal is on Monday, Maria." She said in a quiet voice. "Carrie said you have the day off." The tears started to build up in my eyes. I blinked them back. "I just had to grab another pair of handcuffs." I went into the back room and grabbed a pair, and then left through the back door. I was about to kick the motorcycle in, then David showed up in my 'Vette. "Maria! I got a hit on George." He strode across the parking lot in record time. He pulled me off the bike and pulled me close to him. "I know iit's terrible, Sue was my friend too, but once we find George we can finally have revenge." "That will not be revenge! He needs to die, just like Sue. Shot in the gut so he fill s the pain." Then the tears came. I started to get his clothes all wet. "Darling, you probably should stay here, until I go get him." David said, he took the keys away from me, pushed me towards the door and took off. I went inside and went into my office. Their I just cried. Sue is dead and her killer is still out there! How dare he shoot her! I heard the engine of a bike and I ran out, ready to see David. He climbed off the bike, and waved the body ticket at me. I pushed through the doors, I clutched the ticket and saw "Richard George" written on it. I kissed David, long and slow, and when it started to heat up, I remember where we were and who was watchign us. I pulled away from David and went inside. "You go girl." Frey said to me, whistling. "That is some amazing lip-locking action, Ria. I can sure as hell say he is a keeper." Carrie popping her gum winked at me. "Man, If I had a guy like that, I would kiss him no matter where we were!." Frey bellowed, laughing at the end. "Seriously, guys, Just give me the damn money then I am off!" I gave Carrie the ticket and she gave me a check for ten thousand dollars. I went back outside, kissed David again and took off in my fiery red rose corvette. I drove out to the lake, where Sue and I used to hang out all the time. I held a little piece of Sue with me, a piece of her hair. I let it fly with the wind, gently lowering onto the water. It's Ok, Rita darling. Sue's voice came back to me. "Sue, I'll miss you." I cried into the wind, thankful nobody was around. Word Count: 1052 ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |