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Jun 11, 2012 at 7:20pm
June 11-Sew
June 11-Sew

“Open it grandpa open it!” Lillith squealed expectantly. “I worked so hard on it, happy birthday!”
“Ok, ok munchkin I’m opening.” The old man replied chuckling as he tore the bright blue and silver paper from his 75th birthday gift.
“A picture of… oh my, would you look at that! You’ve lopped off my head, put a spider on top and stuck it all on a very busy brownie’s body! How wonderful Lil!”
“Awe gramps seriously?” The ten year old squawked, “It really looks like you right? Isn’t it cool! I did it ‘cause you taught me to sew from when I was little, and told me the stories about the little people and how spiders spin the most special wonderful thread of all. I love all that Gramps. You and spiders and brownies they’re my favorites and I’m gonna sew all my life just like you!”
“I love it Lillith, it’s grand, but hey Munchkin what’s this on my forehead? Did that spider bite me?”
Lillith jumped onto her grandpa’s lap and studied the framed photo. Sure enough there was a spot on the old man’s high, age furrowed brow. A spot that Lillith was very certain had not been in the original photograph of her grandpa’s head.
“Ahh!” She gasped throwing both of her tiny hands over her mouth. Then in a hushed voice, “Gramps, that, that spot was ‘not’ in the picture when I wrapped it gramps. I’m sure gramps; what is it? How did it get there and why would that spider bite you anyway? We love them.”
The old man shrugged and patted his granddaughter’s silky red hair, and gave her a squeeze.
“Well sweet Lillith it would seem that you and your camera and your computer machine have some busy little brownies of your own. Maybe the spider figured that with three spools of perfectly good thread on hand I should leave his spinning alone and use plain thread for plain mending.”
June 11-Sew
· 06-11-12 7:20pm
by rothalion Author IconMail Icon

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