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Jun 11, 2012 at 8:24pm
Edited: June 11, 2012 at 8:26pm
June 11 - sew
by Past Member 'murphyco'
Dear Charlotte,

Well, what do you think of me now? I wasn’t good enough for you when you were spelling all those words for that stupid pig Henry or Wilbur or whatever his name was. You didn’t think I had the brains to spin a decent web much less spell my own name. Well maybe I got tangled up a few times and had a little difficulty weaving the net tight enough to get anything to stick, but who needs to be able to spin when you can get someone else to do the work for you?

As you can see from the enclosed photo, I managed to do a lot more than you ever could. Actually I have to thank you for turning me down. It was you making me think I wasn’t good enough that made me want to prove you wrong. Now I have about three vertically challenged people working for me (one of them is typing this letter you are reading). I feed them the thread and they sew amazing crafts such as boots, gloves and purses with it. We then sell them for lots of money. So needless to say I am rich, rich, rich – at least as far as spiders are concerned. So, if you’d stayed with me you wouldn’t still be living in that dusty, drafty old barn. You would have the finest accommodations a spider could have. Don't believe me, ask Lucinda – you remember her from the old neighborhood – she can tell you all about what you are missing.

Just thought I’d let you know,
June 11 - sew
· 06-11-12 8:24pm
by Past Member 'murphyco'

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