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Jun 12, 2012 at 2:39am
June 11 - Sew
"Get inside boy."

Apprehensive, Red pushed the small wood door open, crouching down to avoid hitting his head. Wolf had to almost bend down to touch the floor to get in but once they were inside the house had a larger feel than the outer shell showed. While the room didn't have much furniture, every item had an odd set of stairs leading up to it. Moving further in the room, now curious, Red looked around trying to find the purpose for their visit to the strange place.

"So the Wolf returns." A small voice not much above a whisper came from the direction of a wooden table.

Red stepped back once he saw the speaker. An old man with a long red beard rested on the table, not much bigger than the clay jug next to him. A spool of thread served as his chair.

"And you brought a boy? Nice hood you have there, boy."

"Thanks." He stared at the man a moment before adding, "I like your... hat."

"I'd be careful what you say if I was you, boy." The man chuckled. "Blanchette is no hat."

"So sorry." He couldn't believe that the spider on top of the man's head was alive until he saw her move.

"Give up on the plan, Mr. Wolf?" The man turned his focus away from Red.

Wolf grumbled, pushing his way past Red to a human-sized chair before responding. "Course not. He's it."

"This can't be right. He's not old enough. What about his father?"

Red tried to take part in the conversation even though they acted like he wasn't in the room. "He left years ago..."

"Dead." Wolf said.

"What?" Red stared at them both, unable to listen to the rest of their conversation. He stumbled back until he bumped against a wall. A tingled pain on his left ankle pulled him out of his daze. Then his foot went numb and panic set in. "Ow. What the? Something bit me."

The spider on the man's head shook her head and sighed. She spoke in a calm but stern manner. "Maisie, what did I tell you about biting strangers? And this is your first bite. You know what that means."

A little black spider about half the size of the Blanchette and a tinier voice came up from the floor. "I know Mama but I like this one."

"Well, guess you made your choice.So, boy, what's your name?" Blanchette had a nice voice even though her tone had an ominous ring to it.

"Red." He wished he could feel his foot.

"Well, Red. This here is my daughter Maisie and now she's your responsibility."
June 11 - Sew
· 06-12-12 2:39am
by Dawn Embers Author IconMail Icon

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