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Jun 12, 2012 at 5:24am
Edited: June 12, 2012 at 5:37am
June 11 - Sew
“I don’t like being rushed, Simon!” the Pixie said.

The spider drummed his legs on the Pixie’s head, but managed to remain silent.

“I can’t stand it. I mean it! I can not stand being rushed! I think you know that! ”

If anybody knew about the Baldwin’s hatred of being rushed, it was Simon. He closed his eyes and tried to remain calm as the Pixie sewed away at top speed. It was almost lunchtime.

“Why am I doing this?” asked Baldwin. “Remind me, please! I beg you!”

“Amoooooore,” said the spider. “I’m in love!”

“Do you remember last time? She almost had a heart attach!”

“Trust me, this'll work like a charm!” said the spider.

Right then they both heard the sound of the front door latch opening. They looked at each other and held their breath as footsteps marched to the kitchen, then the cooler door opening,

Simon hissed, “Hurry!”

“Almost got it…”

The cooler slammed shut and a girl’s voice, “Mother, where have you hidden the curds?”

“Next to the whey!” came an older woman’s voice from the hallway stairs.

“Done!” said Baldwin.

“You got it?” asked Simon, incredulous.

“I got it!” said Baldwin. He placed the silky doily snugly over the footstool and ran from the room.

Simon gave his friend six thumbs up and waited for the love of his life to come sit next to him on the pretty stool.
June 11 - Sew
· 06-12-12 5:24am
by Winchester Jones Author IconMail Icon

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