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Jun 12, 2012 at 6:54pm
June 10 Rails
Peter stood on the tracks and waited. How long had Ben been gone? He couldn't remember, but it seemed like a long time. Ben told him that if he ran down the tracks as fast as he could go, he'd see the New Land. Peter didn't know what the New Land was, and he wasn't sure he wanted to go there. Ben said there were walking clockwork beings like the ones in the books they read. He said they were golden and shiny and creaked when they walked. Ben said that buildings were made out of metal and a giant train brought people from one town to another.

It all sounded fascinating, but Peter didn't want to leave Chamberlain. It was a small, sleepy town, but it was his home. Ben told him they could come back any time. But that was before the last time Ben ran down the tracks. Peter thought it had been three days, but maybe it was four. He was torn. He didn't want to leave his mom and dad. He didn't even want to leave Evie, his little sister. But, if Ben was in trouble, he would need Peter's help. What if the only way Ben could come back was if Peter went to get him? But, what if Peter made it through to the New Land, and then neither of them could get back? Peter wished Chance was closer. His older cousin always knew what to do in these situations. He was fourteen, and almost a grown up, as far as Peter was concerned. He'd sent for Chance, but Chance never came. What is Chance was in the New Land, too? Ben had told him about it the same time he told Peter. Would Chance really try to get to the New Land? If he did, Peter was sure that he could get back, and probably get Ben back, too.

Peter clenched his fists and let out a long breath. He crouched down, one foot behind him. Another deep breath and slow exhale. He pushed off his back foot and flew into a sprint. He couldn't leave Ben. His arms and legs pumped harder as he ran down the tracks. Lights started to fly by him as he ran faster than he'd ever run before.

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#1776068 by Beck Firing back up! Author IconMail Icon

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June 10 Rails
· 06-12-12 6:54pm
by Beck Firing back up! Author IconMail Icon

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