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Jun 12, 2012 at 10:22pm
June 12 - Turtle
by Piglet Author IconMail Icon
         The Hero was fully equipped by his Command, so when the beacon directed him to a rotting and long-forgotten dock, he was not dissuaded from his pursuit.
         The Agents of Foreign Power would stop at nothing to destroy the City, and therefore, the Hero will stop at nothing to stop them.
         Somewhere in the filthy bay was the explosives.
         The Hero requested his wet suit with a push of the button and his nondescript business suit fell away to reveal skin tight seal skin. He pulled over his hood and strapped on an air tank and flippers, conveniently hidden behind a rock.
         Command usually thinks of everything.
         Diving into the bay the Hero notices that the water had become bioluminescent in the direction of his beacon. This could be pollution, or it could be lights of enemy subs, or it could be a radioactive substance that he was meant to stop had already begun to spread.
         He swam harder.
         He swam until The Hero found himself staring at a sea turtle. His beacon detector was blinking as if the source of all evil and hatred was sitting right on top of him.
         They would not.
         But they must have.
         The turtle was swimming by him, dancing almost, probably wondering why he was in a polluted bay in colder water than he had ever dreamt of. And yet, still he swam toward the Hero peacefully.
         Oh, those Agents of a Foreign Power!
         This was but mockery!
         Mockery at the peaceful and benevolence of the Hero's Mother Country.
         He had a knife of course. Command thinks of everything. He knew that in his heart he would have to kill this very peaceful, very endangered creature.
June 12 - Turtle
· 06-12-12 10:22pm
by Piglet Author IconMail Icon

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