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Jun 13, 2012 at 9:04am
June 12-Late Turtle

Liam sat quietly watching his son, Taggert; carefully polish the chrome on his custom motorcycle. The twenty-three year old had worked seventy hours a week while attending Masonry trade school for nearly a year to pay for the sleek aqua blue and turquoise machine. The older man sipped his beer and smiled to himself. Taggert was a good kid. Hard worker, great son, all in all Liam had to admit a fine young man. Sure the pair had been through a few rough spots along the way, especially after losing Kim, Liam’s wife and Tag’s mother, but that was all well in the past. Liam had never remarried and Taggert still lived at home so the two Harrisons were a team of sorts, working together, playing together and fighting together if need be. For the most part they were fairly inseparable; so when the elder Harrison informed his son that he would not be making the yearly trip to the motorcycle rally in Devonport Tag was disappointed and at first refused to go alone.

“Tag boy, make sure and take the extra belt son, Jaco said to watch the belt remember? Said he hadn’t quite worked out the kinks yet.”

“Have it dad.” The boy replied with a sigh before setting the polishing rag aside and retrieving his own beer. “Dad I really wish you’d change your mind. Hell fly up. We can get a room; Cookie Davis booked a block of them. Told me just let him know and he’ll kick us one.”

Liam stood sniffled, walked over to the bike and ran a gentle finger along the contour of the fuel tank.

“Nah Tag it’s all you and the young ones this year. Since takin’ that fall in the spring my damn hip’s just not what it should be. Besides Gail…”

“Gail!” Tag groaned. “Gail’s welcome. Both of you fly up.”

“Taggert Gail is not welcome sonny, so don’t try and fake it. It’s not about her and me anyway, like I said I’m just not up to it. It’s about time you got out and did some stuff on your own Tag boy, find yourself a Gail and get on with life. You don’t need me trudging along behind you. This year's all you.”

He smiled a weak smile, reached across the bike and ruffled the boys sandy hair.

“You got your mom’s eyes, damned jade green eyes. They match the bike. Look go, have fun, find a girl, enjoy the week you earned it Taggert. The life we live, this job, it’ll make you old fast so live now.”

Taggert returned a weak smile and rounded the bike.

“I promise dad, well the fun and the living but the girl,” he grimaced "more trouble then they’re worth. You’re all I need.” He wrapped his arms around Liam and squeezed his father tightly, “Gonna miss you, you old man, be safe while I’m away I’ll call every day. Love you.”
June 12-Late Turtle
· 06-13-12 9:04am
by rothalion Author IconMail Icon

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