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Jun 13, 2012 at 8:42pm
June 1 - wheat
by Past Member 'murphyco'
I stand at the edge of the field, and watch the golden heads of wheat wave gently in the breeze. With the afternoon sun shining across their rows as well as caressing my skin, I cannot help but feel the promise of what will be. There is a rawness, a potential yet to be developed. I see it in the way they stand, so proud, and yet so flexible – so many possibilities, so many directions. I want to be them. The sun lifts my spirits; I melt into its life-force and imagine myself one with the wheat, one with the sun. At that moment we simply are. We exist for the sake of existing, enjoying each breath…in and out, in and out with the pulse of the wheat. Time is of no matter until my trance is broken by the sound of footsteps on the gravel behind me. I don’t want to leave this place, but I know I must. At least for now my soul is revived.

Thanks for taking me to this wheat field.
June 1 - wheat
· 06-13-12 8:42pm
by Past Member 'murphyco'

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