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Jun 14, 2012 at 6:45am
June 13 - Wheat
by A Non-Existent User
Her hair, fine ashe flaxen wheat surrounding us, flew back in the breeze. Her green eyes, just moments ago vibrant and sparkling, pinched with momentary pain and then went mercifully flat and lifeless. Her teeth, bared in a pearly grimace, faded back behind her lips as her cheeks relaxed. Then her severed head fell to the earth, forever lost in fields of grain, and her body collapsed at my feet.

"That will teach you to cheat on me, bitch." I muttered.

The whole thing was brilliant, if I did say so myself. The crop was high enough to hide the body, but low enough that harvest was still a month or two away. Animals would find her by then. And she'd never guessed, when I led her out on a "romantic stroll" through the field that I'd hidden a machete in its depths. She never saw it coming.

I dropped the blade at my feet and picked up her purse, which had fallen to the earth. I already knew what I would find, but I rummaged out her cell phone. She'd been keeping the big secret for months. Trusting bastard that I am, I didn't suspect anything right away. But then she started showing all the classic signs: coming home late; not interested in sex; spending all her time texting on the damn phone - and not to me.

I pulled up her text history and found the asshole right away. His name was Ken. Like the stupid Barbie doll. What a pisser.

I read through the most recent messages.

K: You have to tell him.
E: He won't understand.
K: He's going to find out eventually.
E: I don't want to be the one to tell him. It will break his heart.
K: He thinks you're cheating.
E: I know. That's better.

I blinked.

K: Better?
E: Maybe he'll leave me. Easier.
K: He loves you.
E: He doesn't deal well with loss.
K: What about you?
E: I'm not losing anything.
K: Evelyn, you're losing your life. You shouldn't spend your dying moments like this.
E: Like what?
K: Worried about him. Enjoy the life you have left.

My gut wrenched, and I collapsed to my knees amid the grains. What were they talking about? The words blurred through my tears.

E: We're walking Farmer Sam's fields today. I'll enjoy it. Outdoors.
K: You need to tell him today.
E: We'll see. I think he wants to break up.
K: Not fair to you.
E: Don't care.

Knife. Twist. In my belly. I dropped the phone and fell prostrate to the earth, sobbing, utterly betrayed. She'd purposely made me think she was cheating. And I believed it. I fell for it. She was such a bitch.
June 13 - Wheat
· 06-14-12 6:45am
by A Non-Existent User

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