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Jun 14, 2012 at 6:24pm
Edited: June 14, 2012 at 6:26pm
June 14 - Gun
by Past Member 'murphyco'
“P.p..please, for the last time, I don’t know where Thomas is; I had nothing to do with taking him. I swear on our children’s heads. Why would I kidnap my own son? Please, dear God, think about what will happen if you kill me. You think the police will never find out? Peter, for God’s sake, don’t be stupid. You’ll be in jail and I’ll be dead, and our children will have no one.”

Peter’s hand dropped slightly because of his ex-wife’s words, but then he lifted the gun and once again, pointed it straight at the woman cowering in the corner of the warehouse. “Shut up; just shut up! You witch! You never wanted to me to have custody of our son; you’ve fought me in every court battle we’ve faced. You never thought I was good enough for you; you never thought I was good enough for him, so you took him, and if you don’t tell me where he is in the next few seconds I am going to make sure you never see anyone again!”

Lisa’s body shook uncontrollably. She didn’t know what to do to convince Peter he was wrong. There was never any way to reason with him when he got to this point, but this was the first time he actually had a gun. She knew her life was about to end because she couldn’t prove anything. Words meant nothing to him. He didn’t care she was as torn up as he was. He should know, as much as she hated him and what he did to her and their family, she would never ever ever hurt Thomas. She opened her mouth to scream as he counted down, “3..2..
June 14 - Gun
· 06-14-12 6:24pm
by Past Member 'murphyco'

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