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Jun 15, 2012 at 5:09am
Edited: June 15, 2012 at 5:11am
June 14 - Gun
“Come on Alice, you can do it! Come on.” Paul turned to see his wife and daughter in the back room, Alice was on her feet with Sophie on her knees, gesturing at her to walk forwards. He smiled, it had definitely been a good idea to bring them with him this morning, this was much better than them being stuck in the house all day, and it was good Alice got to see him at work, after all, it could be hers some day.

He looked around, there was nobody about so he picked up a packet of sweets from the counter and brought them over to his family.

“Aren't you doing well!” He exclaimed, a broad smile across his face as he crouched down to his daughter's level, “would you like a sweet?” He asked, proffering the packet.

“Paul!” Sophie chastised him, “it's the middle of the afternoon, you'll rot her teeth if you keep on giving her sweets all the time!” Alice sat, oblivious to their conversation as she chewed on the candy.

“Oh it'll be fine!” Paul said, “and she was doing so well, I just thought she'd like a treat.” Sophie still didn't look happy.

“But we're going on holiday next week, I thought that was supposed to be the treat!” Paul looked at her, she did have a point, but Alice looked so happy.

The sound of a bell rang across the room, Paul leapt to his feet,

“Back to the day-job I guess!” He said, giving his wife and daughter a kiss before walking back out to the shop.

A man, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes was browsing, looking up and down the aisles, he wore a battered leather jacket and kept his hands firmly in his pockets.

“Can I help you at all?” Paul asked, “are you looking for something in particular?”

The man turned to look at him,

“Yeah, you can help me,” he began, walking towards the counter his hand emerging from his pocket at last, “give me all the money.”

Paul stared in shock and fear, a gun pointing at his head.
June 14 - Gun
· 06-15-12 5:09am
by EverAnon ~ typing like mad! Author IconMail Icon

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