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Jun 15, 2012 at 7:31am
June 14 - Gun
by A Non-Existent User

"Mister, please." The creature spoke with a soft voice, calm and controlled. They didn't usually do that. I didn't reply. I didn't blink.

"This is my daughter," it continued. "Her name is Kaylee. Say hello to the nice man, Kaylee."

The smaller creature sobbed at the hip of the larger creature, its arms wrapped around the thighs of the other. That's what they usually do. They usually sob. Or scream. I held the gun a little higher. The larger one pushed the smaller one back behind her.

"And my name is Amanda," it went on. The babble floated around in my mind like a twister, stirring up... something.

"Shut up," I said, heart racing.

"I'm so, so sorry," said the creature. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you."

Now, I blinked, and the gun faltered. How did the creature know about that? I shook my head and lifted the weapon again. Games. It was playing games. Red, blinding anger filled the space behind my eyes, and I almost fired. But that would be sloppy, and I'm a professional.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, voice even softer. "You probably don't believe me, given the circumstances, but I sincerely care about you. It's a curse." She laughed a little. "I care about everyone. That's why they made me a doctor for people who need caring. Doctor Amanda Stevenson, that's me. But you can just call me Amanda. Because that's my name. Amanda." She smiled.

Longing grew in my chest, but I shook my head. These were more games. Why wasn't she screaming? Hyperventilating? Sobbing? Begging? They were supposed to beg.

"Look, do me a favor," she said. "Let me send Kaylee out of here. Kaylee. Did you meet her? My daughter? This is my daughter, Kaylee. Let me send Kaylee out, and I'll sit with you and talk."

Talk. To me? Amanda. She wanted to talk to me. Tears filled my eyes, and then, without warning, a sob wracked my body. My shoulders drooped, and the gun fell to my side.

That's when the SWAT team surrounded me, whipping the weapon away and pinning me to the floor.

That bitch. Amanda. Amanda and her manipulative games. I've got your number, Amanda.
June 14 - Gun
· 06-15-12 7:31am
by A Non-Existent User

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