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Jun 16, 2012 at 2:01am
Edited: June 16, 2012 at 2:07am
June 15 - Dog
by Past Member 'mystic_dreams'
Caitlyn could hear Chase whining as soon as she closed the door of the car. Anxious to see her grandfather, the dog’s whimpering seized her nerves and turned them inside out. She ran up the steps and let herself into the house. Chase bounded past her, trying to push himself through the open door. 

“No, Chase. Sit.” 

The dog persisted until she pushed him back with her foot, and forced the door shut.  Chase snuffled along the bottom of the door, and then lay down, his head nestled between his paws. Caitlyn’s hand shook as she knelt to pet him. “Grandpa?” The dog raised his head and looked at her, his ears flat back and eyes echoing a deep sorrow.  A rock formed in her Caitlyn’s chest.  “Grandpa? Where are you?”

She rose to her feet. His car in the driveway, the dog in the house, all indicated he was home, but where? She ran up the stairs searching and calling. The rock splintered into a million shards each driving holes into her being. Where was he? After searching the bedrooms and bathroom, she ran back down. About to search the basement, she stopped at the sight of the dog  by the door whimpering. 

Outside. He has to be outside.  “Where is he, Chase? Come on, let’s find him.” As her hand touched the knob, the dog sprang up, eager for action.  Once the door opened, the dog sniffed the ground and took off as he secured the scent.  Caitlyn ran after him, trying to keep the dog in sight. 

As he neared the woods, Chase stopped, frozen in place. Even from a distance, Caitlyn recognized the alert and tense stance. He’s found something.  Oh God, please let him be okay.  Please. I can’t lose –  

“Chase, what are you doing out here?”

Caitlyn’s knees betrayed her at the sound of his voice. “Thank God, oh thank God.” She took a deep breath, steadied herself and walked toward the happy reunion. 

“Down boy, I was only gone an hour or so. You would think I was gone a year. Come on. Let’s go back.”  The dog bounded toward Caitlyn, turning back every few feet to make sure the old man followed. “Who is that, Chase?” 

As her strength returned, Caitlyn began to run towards the pair. 

“Why, is that little Cat? It is. So that is how you got out.” With long-legged strides, he closed the distance between them. 

Caitlyn stopped. She wanted to run into his arms, but she knew what the trap he carried meant. “Grandpa, I was so worried. When Chase – well , I thought something happened.” 

Graham set the trap down beside him. “Nah, had a skunk trying to get the eggs. You know I can’t take Chase when I release them.  Dog can’t seem to learn no matter how many tomato juice baths he has.”

The dog cocked his head looking from one to the other. When a movement caught his eye, he darted after a rabbit. 

“Chase.” Caitlyn gestured for him to come back. 

“Never you mind, let him have his fun. Should be safe now.” Graham put his arm around her. “So, tell me what brings my little Cat home? Not that I am complaining mind you.”

Subscribe and read Shadows Express.  Open in new Window.
Summer issue coming June 21, 2012.
Open for submissions:
June 22, 2012 - August 1, 2012;
September 22, 2012 - November 1, 2012.

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June 15 - Dog
· 06-16-12 2:01am
by Past Member 'mystic_dreams'

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