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Jun 17, 2012 at 5:02pm
Late June 16-Glass

“Oh man would you look at this!” Kai shouted up the small incline to Sebastian. “Did you know this was here?”

His excitement was unbridled as he ripped and tore at the vegetation enshrouding the old greenhouse. Sebastian had never seen the man so excited before and quickened his steps to reach the old relic.

“Yea well yes and no I guess I sort of forgot about it.” He replied dodging to the left as a bundle of briars flew passed his head. “Kai buddy look at your arms hold up and we can come back with tools.”

Kai paused just long enough to look down at his forearms which were scratched and bleeding.

“No way, no way; this is a treasure.” He shouted and went back to work. “This is…do you know what I can do with this?” He tore his shirt off and began wiping the glass scrubbing away years of grime. “Oh wow, the tables are there, the irrigation, the lighting I could plant my trees in here, my Bonsai, you know I love my trees they’d…”

He paused suddenly his joy slipping away and turned to face Sebastian. The other man saw the change and his heart hitched at the loss of such a jubilant Kai.

“Sorry Bastian it’s not mine. Not even my own house or property; I’m just well you know a visitor sort of, just… I should have asked first, not assumed. I got excited sorry.”

Sebastian walked closer and peered into the clean spot on the glass and peered inside. It was a mess but Kai was correct. The old forgotten greenhouse sported cobwebs and dust but was supplied for use. He smiled, remembering the hours upon hours he’d spent in the glass enclose with his great grandfather tending the old man’s Orchids. He was amazed that he’d completely forgotten the old place tucked away in an isolated corner of the vast lake house property.

He turned back and faced a now worried Kai. “No you weren’t wrong Kai.” He squeezed his friend’s shoulder and saw some of the tension slip away. “I think the door is around the other side. Let’s go I’ll help you clear it. My great grandfather raised Orchids in here, beautiful Orchids, but I figure your trees will be happy here too. It’s all yours, all yours no matter what ok? Oh and buddy this ‘is’ your home for as long as you want it to be so no more about just being a visitor.”

Kai gave what passed as his usual smile just a mere quirk of his lips then looked down at his arms again.

“Yea thanks Bastian” He muttered rubbing gently at the briar scratches. “You know I never felt them hurting me. Can’t remember the last time I was so excited. We’ll get tools and come back. I want to get it clean and ready. My trees really need a permanent home.”

Sebastian nodded in agreement and headed up the slope, as he paused to wait for Kai he distinctly heard the man say, ‘and so do I.’
Late June 16-Glass
· 06-17-12 5:02pm
by rothalion Author IconMail Icon

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