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Oct 7, 2012 at 6:07pm
I'm of the camp that believes no idea is ever a new idea. My story for this NaNo is about a woman in a bad relationship who has to overcome it. To do so she has to see the problem exists and step up and make a change. That is not a new idea at all. It's an old idea and I would go as far as to say it's an idea from before writing existed. So, the question is this, who am I not afraid to share that with everyone? We know because of the genre I am writing in, sci-fi and romance, that she will come through in the end. She will succeed because people who read romance and who read this particular plot like to see a positive outcome. I am not afraid to share because I know there's nothing stopping anyone from coming up with this topic on their own. I am not unique. I am not special. I write what intrigues me. The other reason I have no problem with sharing ideas is because I am human. Humans advance and improve through interaction. Secrecy only stifles both the one needing the assistance and the ones trying to give it. So, when you ask for help be open and you will probably be rewarded with a wealth of ideas from many excellent writers on this site. What comes out of this interaction will only be enriched because of the interaction. Remember, the idea can be borrowed and repeated but the individual's crafted book won't be. Your book will be your book in your writing. If you use my idea it will still be your book. It will be different than I could have written it and mine will be different than what you come up with. I'd also like to make a comment from all the articles and interviews of agents and publishers I am read or heard over the years. They make their buying decisions on query letters that spoil the plot to no end. So if you want to make a sale to a big publisher you have to spoil the ending. How else are they going to know if they can market the book to an audience they typically serve? Jedi Moose ![]() ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |

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