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Oct 7, 2012 at 6:30pm
Jedi I believe that some of us think we have the next Harry Potter or Hunger Games. There is a fear that the group we are sharing our soul with might just copy our stuff and change it up a bit and sell it as their own. We want help where we are stuck but we have have the basics down. I know the feeling, but since I took a piece from someone else with their permission I think that we just have to have a measure of trust. My benefactor, allowed me the use of a bit of his story as mine will be a different setting and storyline but with a simialr twist at the end. EM-I think you have to give people a measure of lienency. As the month goes on, those of us who want help are not afraid of sharing the basics of our story. We trust others will be so deep into their own novels they won't have time to plagarize ours. I do have a complete trust issue, as I have limited the viewing to just our group for now. Tina Weaver |

by Storm Machine

by Em returns to writing

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by Jedi Moose

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by Jedi Moose

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by Quick-Quill

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