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Oct 8, 2012 at 7:06pm
I've always been fascinated how different people take the same premise and make completely different stories. I'd love to teach a class one day and read through everyone's different stories about the same thing. It's unbelievable how different the same thing can be. I am not worried if anyone reads my outline, or whether they are inspired to write something based on it. I'd love to have some buddies I can bounce situations off, because I have found talking about my stories with others helps me figure out better plots. That's why I have joined a writers group. Some of their suggestions push me in directions that I never thought of, and that's great! Hopefully the outline or premise will stir up some interest in people so they will want to read my whole story. Just more incentive to make some twists even if they think they know how it's going to end. So, yeah, not sure why people like to keep everything secret, either. |

by Storm Machine

by Em returns to writing

by Jedi Moose

by Quick-Quill

by Jedi Moose

by Past Member 'mystic_dreams'

by Jedi Moose

by Past Member 'mystic_dreams'

by ~MM~

by Jedi Moose

by Storm Machine

by Quick-Quill

by Storm Machine

by A Non-Existent User