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Oct 9, 2012 at 1:38am
I don't know about groups but... Not following the rules of nanowrimo (like having written part of it before hand) just puts you in the rebel camp. ![]() Also, for a personal plug. There is this little group on WDC that allows for people to work on started novels and to pick their own word count goals.
I say, if it gets you to sit down and write the first draft, who cares if you have 5 chapters done before hand. But that's me. I usually start at word one and if I have a scene written beforehand (as I sometimes write random scenes for contests on WDC) I do a total rewrite when adding that part in to the novel anyways. But we all have our own approaches. You have to pick what you want to do. Hope this helps a little at least. Good luck with the group/review search. |

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Dawn Embers

by Jed Jones - banned novel