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Oct 10, 2012 at 3:21am
Edited: October 10, 2012 at 3:27am
Thanks all, for jolting my jaded brain and alerting me to options I hadn't considered ![]() Your personal plug is most welcome, Dawn, I wish I'd known about your group before. I have signed up. It makes sense, because most of us must be stuck into a novel already, and are loath to tear ourselves away from it and start a completely new project. I had written 20 chapters (about 60k words) before I started rewriting mine (it should come out shorter this time, 100K in total, I think). I didn't know NaNo allowed you to 'manually' deduct the word count of chapters you had written beforehand. Doing this doesn't make you a 'rebel' because you have negated any unfair advantage you would have had over writers writing from scratch. 'Copy-typing' chapters already written is another option. I doubt if anyone could manage this without spotting an error and thinking of better forms of words. |

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Dawn Embers

by Jed Jones - banned novel