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Oct 10, 2012 at 10:09am
I totally agree with the floorplan idea! I have had this vision of the auto shop in my story literally for YEARS, but was never sure how it would be laid out. I see it in perfect detail, now. I keep saying that I have had this idea in my head for years and couldn't get it out. Well, the more I work on these prompts, even if they don't SEEM to fit my story, the more I get out of the story. The more inspiration and "aha!" moments I have. I've even put a twist into the book I NEVER thought of before. I told my coworker/friend about it and she responded with "This is a book you're writing??". I took it as a compliment... She was so into the story, she didn't realize it was something I was making up on my own. Huzzah! |

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