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Nov 3, 2012 at 8:50am
I'm out of hospital now, and thanks for the extension, if that's the reason I'm still technically a loose end on the Entry Log, along with the Sandy people? I tried to to do this 18 hours ago - complete my last assignment! Then, a comedy of errors with drugs and doctors etc. Now I'm going to try again. 3 days ago, I had a blocked windpipe, had to call an ambulance, and spent the day in hospital with this extreme allergic reaction to something that confounded doctors. Last night, it struck again. Having spent the night running around between the doctor and the pharmacy, I spent the next 6 hours trying to manage this funny and scary lump, drinking water slowly, couldn't type anything, waiting for the doctor to call back and give me clearance to take steroids after nurofen plus. I took them anyway. The only alternative was to call another ambulance and lose another day in hospital. Then the doctor called and said, "You did the right thing". Then it was 4am my time. The swelling subsided by 5am, then I couldn't physically stay awake, having had about 1 hour's sleep in the previous 24. (Hospital staff are always busy Friday nights with binge drinkers beating each other up, etc) Now I'm okay-ish until I run out of steroids again tomorrow and have another runaround to get some more, as nothing else seems to work. This is all time-consuming, obviously. I take notes in queues, though. behind the chip-and-pinners; it's partly thanks to them that I've managed to get so much work done. |

by Jed Jones - banned novel