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Nov 6, 2012 at 4:27pm
Perhaps because this is my third NaNo experience (2011, Camp NaNo 2012), I have discovered something vital about the word count. The first time, I panicked until I finished my 50K words on 11/25). What an enormous mistake - it only caused more editing later. The second time, I was careful to not be overly OCD about it - just watched it to be sure that I wasn't too incredibly behind. This time I am relaxed - and currently behind. But I know from experience that I will have at least one 5K word day, and maybe will even have an 8K day like I did this summer. Relax! Don't stress yourself out at the beginning. There's plenty of time for panic in say - 10 days! |
The word count haunts me!! · 11-03-12 4:03pm
by Past Member 'murphyco'