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Nov 10, 2012 at 7:22pm
Me too (still writing after Nov probably) and me neither (don't do horror). LOTR is still my all-time fave, and I'm more drawn to fantasy as a reader than real-life settings like the ones I'm writing in. My novel will be at least 100k words and I can't write that in a month. But I think, when you've written 50k or thereabouts, it's good to consolidate what you have - and that's where reviews can be helpful - even as you struggle to keep writing forward and reach the end at long last? But take a look and see. I'm just off to take a quick peek at yours for now as it's past my bedtime ![]() |

by Jed Jones - banned novel

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by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Robin

by Jed Jones - banned novel

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