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Nov 11, 2012 at 5:00am
Good point. I think in that case, it's important to remember that everyone has their own style (of reading as well as writing) and we might need multiple people to read our drafts to really get a feel for whether we should color the stories differently. I wonder if we might benefit from a story exchange where we provide one another with a good "overall impression" variety of feedback and try to read multiple works over the course of a few months. This might help us find the best in-depth reviewer for our piece. Hmm... I'd be interested in helping you organize something like that. |

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by ~MM~

by Robin

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Robin

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by J. M. Kraynak

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Brandiwyn🎶

by Storm Machine