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Nov 12, 2012 at 3:52pm
Thanks for the update and all your efforts, Storm. No wonder you took a break! Beware of burnout. I have discovered I can't do this daily commitment thing and hold down a job etc, so I hope your review group will be less demanding. You have identified the missing piece in the jigsaw. TBH I think I could have typed all my Prep assignments in Russian without anybody noticing. We the participants are the only ones who can review each other's work - it can't happen by magic - but this function is missing from the activities, and obviously couldn't be built in without extending them from 1 month to at least 2. I suspect, if we are given specific reviewing tasks when we delve into each other's novels, we will be more productive and objective in helping each other than if we do 'standard' whole-chapter reviews with ratings. Whatever you have in mind, though, I appreciate you thinking it up and sharing it when it's ready ![]() |

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by ~MM~

by Robin

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Robin

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by J. M. Kraynak

by Jed Jones - banned novel

by Brandiwynš¶

by Storm Machine