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Sep 28, 2013 at 7:32pm
I have been batting back and forth a couple of ideas for NaNo. I even told myself and my spouse, "This is the one I'm going to do." Then, as soon as I put pen to paper and started doing a rough outline I'm writing about my other idea. The second idea is one I've actually started writing, but scrapped because I wasn't happy with the direction it was heading and wanted to start over. I guess it comes down to whatever my brain commands my hands to write ![]() Now that I've rambled on with no conceivable point to get the thoughts out of my head, my husband is going to join with me. He has an awesome idea for a story I am all but twisting his arm to write. When he joins the site I'll have him stop by for an official invite. We are both really excited about NaNo Prep. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |

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