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Sep 28, 2013 at 11:17pm
I had one of these and loved it. Personally, I had the Neo: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=a... But they're very inexpensive. They take text only, so you can type type type. Then you can transfer the data to your computer for manipulation. If you arrange the custody agreement that Mad Madam Mim suggested, you could use the alphasmart when you don't have the laptop. The only reason I don't still have mine is that I tried to take it to the beach and sit with my toes in the water. That worked great until a big wave crashed over my head and deposited salt water all over my beautiful word processor. But I loved that thing. It was great for focus - no browser or games or scroll or instant messages to distract me from the task at hand: writing. Regards, Michelle |
Evil Indecision · 09-28-13 7:32pm
by Mad Madam Mim
Re: Evil Indecision · 09-28-13 8:06pm
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Re: Evil Indecision · 09-28-13 8:13pm
by blue jellybaby
Re: Evil Indecision · 09-28-13 9:56pm
by Storm Machine