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Sep 28, 2013 at 11:34pm
Edited: September 28, 2013 at 11:36pm
Smiles, you don't technically have to store anything in your portfolio. However, if you want to enter the Contest Rounds, you *do* need to create items for those. But you could do it with just three static items. I've seen it done successfully like this: ***static item: all assignments*** Oct. 1 - Premise Here is where I write the premise of my novel. Oct. 2 - Etc. This is where I write the second assignment. Some assignments are very short, and some will be longer. Over time the length of your static item will grow very long. ***end static item*** OR you could put the most recent assignment at the top, so it's easier for you to find. Then you will need second and third static items for your Contest Round entries. ***static item: Contest Round Entry #1*** This is where I write my protagonist backstory. ***end static item*** The reason you need three is because our judges may not be done judging CR#1 while you're writing and publishing CR#2. However, they will definitely be done before you have to write and submit your CR#3 entry. At that point, you can move your CR#1 entry into your main assignments item and free it up for composing and submitting your CR#3 entry. Hopefully that wasn't confusing. Let me know if you need help with it. Peace, Michelle Regards, Michelle |

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