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Sep 30, 2013 at 8:13am
I have no idea what may have happened last year. I searched my email account for any emails to or from your username and didn't find any. I searched all the "daily update" emails for instances of your username moving from the "eligible" to "eliminated" categories and didn't find you. I don't see evidence that you were ever in last year's log. Do you have more to go on? Did I email you? In what way did I notify you that you were disqualified? Are you sure you aren't confusing us with another competition? There are no hidden requirements to participate. Please read the rules carefully to be sure that you meet all the requirements to WIN (e.g., finish your first assignment by 10/3, don't go more than three days without posting, complete all required assignments by 10/31.) However, we have never had any requirements for participation beyond posting your first assignment by the close date of 10/3. Regards, Michelle |

by Aelyah

by Brandiwynš¶