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Oct 1, 2013 at 10:21am
I was asked via IM what Android app I use to record my writing ideas orally: I use Evernote. The app has a voice recorder function that saves audio files to your Evernote cloud account, and it also has a speech-to-text converter that allows you to save text files by dictating to it. However, I had problems with it last year. I would start talking, then glance down and realize it wasn't dictating. It would display an error like "not connected." I don't know if it was my phone or Evernote, but my theory is that when my phone switched from WiFi to 4G, it would search for the WiFi and time out. I've found that turning off the WiFi before dictating helps alleviate this problem, because you force the phone to look for the cell signal first, instead of the non-existent WiFi. Regards, Michelle |

by Storm Machine

by Christine

by Storm Machine

by Christine

by Storm Machine

by Christine

by Storm Machine