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Oct 2, 2013 at 4:04pm
Completed: Day 1 required + bonus Day 2 required + bonus Day 3 required ONLY Day 4 required ONLY ...and I did this for two novels. I think I've finally decided what I'm doing this year. I hope so, after the hours I just invested in it today!!! The two novels are actually Books 2 and 3 of a trilogy, which start with the novel I wrote last year (Book 1). It was supposed to be one big novel, but I didn't even come close to the second act when I hit November, and I'm quickly realizing this year how under-developed acts 2 and 3 were during last year's Prep. I had a lot more detail in act 1, and that's evident in my NaNo words. Regards, Michelle |

by Brandiwynš¶

by Storm Machine

by Crys-not really here