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Oct 3, 2013 at 2:21pm
Edited: October 3, 2013 at 2:27pm
It seems that not everyone is clear on some of the changes in this year's assignment calendar. We've always had five revisions of the OUTLINE assignment. But this year, based on participant feedback and my own Prepping experiences, we added INVENTORIES (lists) and they get revisions, too!!! CHARACTERS: You create your Dramatis Personae (character inventory, or list of characters) on 10/2, then revise it every Wednesday. SETTINGS: You create your settings inventory on 10/4, then revise it every Friday. PLOT POINTS: You create your plot points inventory on 10/7, then revise it every Monday. So stop stressing over getting your character inventory, outline, and settings inventory accurate and comprehensive on the first go. These are first drafts. They should be sparse and have very little detail at this point, with room to grow throughout the rest of the month. Regards, Michelle |

by Brandiwynš¶