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Oct 8, 2013 at 9:26pm

Re: Re: OT: Slowly...
by Past Member 'alysia'
Let's keep each other posted, so we don't fall behind. I always get tired at the most inconvenient times. Maybe I should blame my sluggish demeanor on my exhaustion, and maybe I should chug some coffee? But I will blame the late pregnancy hormones and taking care of a 13 month old. Here is my bitem link if you want to check it out. It is very incomplete, and I do plan to add more to it as the month goes on.
I love these new drop links SM has added. Makes it so much more convenient! |

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Storm Machine

by Past Member 'alysia'

by Storm Machine

by A Non-Existent User

by Storm Machine